I am trying to find newspaper articles from the South that reported on segregation and the Brown v. the Board of Education cases in May, 1954.


We have online access to several newspapers online from that time period, but the closest paper to the 'South' would be the Washington Post. If you would like to search that, head here: http://0-search.proquest.com.catalog.sewanee.edu/hnpwashingtonpost?accountid=14751

We don't have any newspapers from that time period on microfilm.

The best solution we have found is from the digitized newspapers that Google's news archive searches. Some of the papers are from the South and some have articles that are freely available. Head here to search that: http://news.google.com/archivesearch Tips: Search for the specific time period of the news about those cases. Try a variety of search terms that would might have been mentioned in the article; for example, Brown v. Board of Education was not always specifically mentioned, but Supreme Court or segregation are likely mentions.

Another option is to use the Chicago Defender, which was an important black newspaper and is available for that time period here: http://0-bsc.chadwyck.com.catalog.sewanee.edu/bsc/newspaperViewContent.do

  • Last Updated Nov 10, 2022
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Heidi Syler

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