What is a carrel?

I got an email about signing up for them, but I have no idea what it is.


Students carrels are the semi-enclosed desks that you might have seen scattered around if you have visited the duPont library. Some of these carrels are open to everyone, however some are labeled as "closed carrels". Students are given the opportunity to sign up for a closed carrel at the beginning of each semester. Each closed carrel has a desk with a bookshelf and a chair. Some are located beside windows and have outlets nearby. Some are more tucked away and some are located in the middle of the floor. You can keep any textbooks, study supplies, and checked out library books in your carrel.  If you want to sign up for a carrel, we recommend strolling around the various floors and seeing which carrels your might be interested in. Each closed carrel is numbered, so you can jot down a few numbers and bring those with you to the biannual carrel sign-ups.

  • Last Updated Oct 13, 2022
  • Views 502
  • Answered By Cari Reynolds

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